1 1975, Deux initiatives du CEC : Documents sur l’origine du CERN et de la Fondation européenne de la culture. I. Préhistoire du CERN
1 CERN. The other feature of CERN of course is the research it does, and the importance of this in Europe. At this moment, we are
2 for doing this is simply that as the science, the research has gone on, and we find we need higher energy of particles to contin
3 need higher energy of particles to continue this research ). I try to put it in the framework of the discussion here : the situa
4 on for the relationships between the kind of pure research which is done by places like CERN, like Esro in space, by Embo in mol
5 ology, and ask what basic relationships does this research have with the European society. I think this relationship is with the
6 he education system ; I believe this kind of pure research , basic research is part of the education system, and one has to look
7 tem ; I believe this kind of pure research, basic research is part of the education system, and one has to look at the developme
8 ew device, which we want in order to continue the research . This is linked, I think, with the European situation in higher educa