1 1963, L’Opportunité chrétienne. Première partie. L’opportunité chrétienne dans un monde sécularisé — 1. Une fausse nouvelle : « Dieu est mort »
1 phrase : « a morality ready to negate any reality that gets in the way of its overpowering passion for responsibility ». d.
2 e collectivist dictatorship, for it is only there that he believes he has refound the "involvement" which his doctrine favor
3 kes impossible and unpracticed. (It is well known that , prior to the Hungarian revolution, Sartre made common cause with the
2 1963, L’Opportunité chrétienne. Première partie. L’opportunité chrétienne dans un monde sécularisé — 2. Sécularisme
4 r Christians. How shall one confront this century that wants to be limited strictly to itself, no longer believing in a “wor
5 traduit ainsi plus simplement : « but never with that false sadness, that proper pseudo-religious accent that fools nobody
6 simplement : « but never with that false sadness, that proper pseudo-religious accent that fools nobody and is enough to mak
7 alse sadness, that proper pseudo-religious accent that fools nobody and is enough to make even genuine truth look ridiculous
3 1963, L’Opportunité chrétienne. Première partie. L’opportunité chrétienne dans un monde sécularisé — 3. L’opportunité chrétienne
8 terial comfort can hardly replace. Others believe that by rearranging a few objects — wealth, for example — life itself can
9 elled to extend its powers with such general laws that each man’s personal vocation is necessarily undermined. » x. Cette p