1 1963, L’Opportunité chrétienne. Deuxième partie. Christianisme et culture — 4. La responsabilité culturelle de l’Église
1 m of the spirit; along with a taste for adventure we have seen a tendency to intellectual oversimplification. Today’s yout
2 be free of the eternal illusions of mankind, and we should not be misled by their pretending to be extremely matter-of-fa
2 1972, L’Amour et l’Occident (1972). Post-scriptum
3 rès tous les troubadours, et Suso : « ein suesses we … ein ellende froede » (une douleur douce… une plaintive joie). — aime
3 1975, Deux initiatives du CEC : Documents sur l’origine du CERN et de la Fondation européenne de la culture. I. Préhistoire du CERN
4 the importance of this in Europe. At this moment, we are discussing the setting up of what has been called Super-CERN (I t
5 CERN (I think this is a fabrication of the press, we never refer to it as Super-CERN but we refer to it as the need for bu
6 the press, we never refer to it as Super-CERN but we refer to it as the need for building a larger accelerator than the on
7 ed for building a larger accelerator than the one we built several years ago, in fact about ten times the size of the orig
8 hat as the science, the research has gone on, and we find we need higher energy of particles to continue this research). I
9 he science, the research has gone on, and we find we need higher energy of particles to continue this research). I try to
10 er original, no longer venturous in some ways. If we want to go on with the European collaboration in physics, one has to
11 talking now of its future, of a new device, which we want in order to continue the research. This is linked, I think, with
4 1984, Articles divers (1982-1985). Autour de l’Avenir est notre affaire : conclusions (1984)
12 riable. M. Norton écrit : « We need not fear that we cannot manage implications of non-coincidence of boundaries, we need
13 ge implications of non-coincidence of boundaries, we need not fear those complications ; one cannot meet complexities in a
5 1988, Inédits (extraits de cours). Europe
14 courante en Europe, des proverbes comme « United we stand, divided we fall », ou en latin « Viribus unitis », « L’union f
15 e, des proverbes comme « United we stand, divided we fall », ou en latin « Viribus unitis », « L’union fait la force » ; d